Our herbal tea blends are packaged based on the most common client complaints and symptoms experienced through Dr. Fratellone's medical practice while others are made with a personal touch.
We currently have seven ready-to-go tea blends on our shelves – Achey, Calmly, Gutsy, Lovely, Sickly, Sneezy and Twiggy – to address issues from muscle and joint pain to gastrointestinal discomfort and viral infection.
Gregory Fratellone is a passionate scientist with experience in many different realms. He received a Bachelor of Science from Northeastern University in Biology and Psychology, where he worked with a number of animal taxa in biological and behavioral aspects. He obtained a Master of Science in Primate Behavior and Ecology from Central Washington University, where he examined the social dynamics of an old world monkey species. Upon returning to his home state of New York, he began working alongside Dr. Fratellone as a Medical Coordinator and fell in love with the many wonderful clients. He is currently tackling the world of business and creativity through Botanical Bounty.
Dr. Fratellone is one of the few integrative cardiologists in the United States. In addition to his fellowship in cardiovascular diseases, he completed the Fellowship of Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona under Andrew Weil, MD. He is also a registered herbalist with the American Herbal Guild. Dr. Fratellone has previously held positions as Medical Director of the Fifth Avenue Comprehensive Medical Group, Regional Director of Cardiology programs for the Ultrasound Diagnostic School and Medical Director for the late Robert Atkins, MD. He is currently a professor at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine.